Basic Cupcakes

Hello, everyone being a while.
Stressed with school work amongst other stuffs.
So recently, I have being trying to be creative and adventurous with foods.
I got tired of buying cakes from Tesco, so I decided to start baking mine instead.
First on my agenda were simple basic cupcakes and they were AMAZEBALLS!!!!
Can you believe it, my first attempt at that?

Vanilla extract
2 Eggs – unbeaten
Baking Powder
Milk – optional

There is a rule of thumb which states that for every 100g of butter you use, you put 2 eggs, 100g of sugar (if you don’t want it to be too sweet you can use 50g) and 100g of flour. Also for every 100g of flour you use, you add 1 tsp(teaspoon) of baking powder.

How to
1. Add your butter and sugar in a big bowl and mix. If you have a mixer you can use it, I didn’t so I used the hand mixer(which was tiringly by the way). Mix continuously until you can’t hear the gritty noise of the sugar.

Step 1

2. Break your eggs into a bowl and don’t beat it. In the butter-sugar mixture, add one egg mix continuously, after a while add the second egg and mix.

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

3. When you are done, add a tsp of vanilla extract and mix.

Step 6

4. In a separate bowl, add the tsp of baking powder into the flour and mix evenly. Pour 1/2 of the flour into your batter and mix until it is smooth then add the remaining flour. At this point, my mixture was very fluffy and I was worried I had done something wrong. But my cake expert(Faie Cupcakes) assured me, it was fine. If your dough is too thick, you can gradually add milk to the dough but be careful not to make the mixture watery.

Step 7

Step 8

5. When you are done, you pre-heat your oven. Get your baking pan, insert your cupcakes paper molds into the baking pan. I would suggest you use an ice cream scoop. Scoop your dough and put into the paper molds, but be careful not to fill the paper molds. Remember, we added baking powder to the mixture so the cake is going to rise.

Step 9

Step 10

6. Put in the oven. After 15 minutes, insert a tooth pick into the cupcake. If it comes out clean then it is ready, if not return the pan into the oven and bake for 5 more minutes.

Step 11

7. When it is done, let cool for a while and serve with ice cream or hot chocolate. Tres Yum 🙂 🙂


Next on the agenda:- How to make red velvet cupcakes.

See you soon.

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